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Where leave management is headed in the next five years?


Leave management, as the name suggests, is about handling the various aspects of leave systems of a company. In general, companies look for experts with the ability to strategize, manage, do analysis, and finally make decisions regarding the leave policies of the employees. With the advent of high-end technicalities, the scenario of leave management systems has indeed transformed significantly.

One of the noteworthy changes that are expected to be witnessed regarding leave management is the role of the HR specialists. When it comes to setting leave policies, it used to be responsibility of the HR professionals earlier. However, the scenario is going to witness massive change.

Days are gone for HR professionals to manually take note of the day off. In five years’ time from now, manual leave management is going to be a rare scenario. Moreover, the companies may massively adopt digital leave management systems. Even the mid-level companies are expected to come enriched with digital solutions in this regard.           

Lowering the load of manual work by Using Leave Management Software.

Handling the huge amounts of paperwork was indeed a major challenge. But, the scenario is going to drastically change in forthcoming years. Through the advent of Employee time off tracker and similar tools, HR professionals no more have to rely upon the same stereotypic ways. In fact, small and medium enterprises, including large companies, can expect significant reductions in spreadsheets. This is going to make employee documentation handling a lot simpler.

The advent of technological tools is going to enhance the overall analytical quality for the concerned organization. Undoubtedly, going through each and every document and analyze things is a tough task. In comparison, the use of high-end tools can be much more helpful.

In upcoming five years, it is very much expected for the companies to feel the need to use such tools in large quantities. Here the size of companies is hardly going to matter. An employee leave tracker app is very much expected to be installed in the systems or smartphones of the concerned HR professional.

Streamlining official procedures

These applications and technological means involve obvious advantages. First of all, it is going to streamline the official procedures of leave-taking significantly. Most importantly, it is going to be helpful for the concerned company to centralize the whole set of employee detail.

As the access to the web is expected to be significantly high, more and more companies are going to go the cloud way. Specifically, the processes involving applications or approvals are going to be handled entirely over the web in forthcoming five years, irrespective of the company size. Through the process, it is going to cut down the reliance upon the paperwork massively.

Bringing clarity with an understanding of Leave Management Software

A tedious task for the employees has always been about analyzing the leave patterns of the employees. Obviously, the professionals in HR management departments often have to go through an extensive set of data in this regard. Traditionally, HR professionals do this work manually, which indeed consumes a lot of time. However, in the upcoming five years, things are going to be much easier for them through the growing use of automated tools.

Most of the HR departments have already started planning about employing such leave management systems in coming future. The obvious advantage that they see through such implementation is the accuracy in the process of data collection. Naturally, the ease provided in terms of data collection can ease things down regarding analysis as well. Ultimately, the process of decision-making can be much more effective.

Above all, the HR professionals are going to obtain greater clarity regarding the leave patterns of the employees and addressing various problems associated with the same. For example, the HR professionals can get utmost clarity regarding the analysis of prime reasons behind the absenteeism of the employees. It can give them a clear perception regarding the mindset of the employees about their current position.     

Advanced features to expect in Leave Management systems

Leave management system is certainly going to look much simpler in upcoming five years powered by automation. Looking at the current efficacy of the leave management systems, one can very much expect the following set of features in the leave management systems.

  1. Ability to instantly update the leaves over the dashboard of the system
  2. Smart handling of the leave policies through a centralized system
  3. Lowered level of paper usage regarding leave requests, as well as approvals
  4. Feature to maintain holiday calendars aiming at numerous centers over the globe
  5. Prepare a thorough report regarding the leave pattern of the employees and their approach
  6. Ability to strategize the resources instantly upon knowing the person to have applied on certain days.
  7. Boosting the efficacy and productivity level of the teams upon cutting down the time expended in delivering leave applications through the mail, as well as approvals.

It is true that absence management and leave management are integral to the work profile of any HR professional. With automated tools, the perception regarding the leaves is going to change altogether. Rather than a mere day off, leaves are going to be considered as the incentives meant for the employees in order to fill in the absence for attaining the professional life balance.

Smarter tools like time off app are going to be much more used. In fact, there are many companies that have completely stopped the manual ways of keeping the leave records. Even the percentages of punch-in machines or spreadsheets are going to get significantly low in forthcoming years.

Automation to bring accuracy

Moving ahead of the traditional systems, the automated leave management systems are going to be much more used. These tools are expected to automate the entire process of making leave applications, processing the approval process, and also the process of granting within the organization.

At the same time delivering greater accuracy, this is expected to save much valuable time for the employees. The automation tools of such are very much expected to lower the frauds or malpractices through the course of processing or filling the leave records or documents in. 

Automation is going to be an obvious thing in the forthcoming years in leave management system arena. Apparently, the companies are witnessing a significant boost in productivity through the adoption of automated systems. Specifically, this is expected to address various regular challenges in following ways.

Changing the perception of leaves

It’s true that there remain specific leave policies for governing the leave management systems. Moreover, these systems are a pack of rules, methods, and norms set by the concerned company taking the local and federal regulations into account. The procedures of reporting, all aspects regarding timeframes, and other aspects regarding the day off as part of the yearly leave are handled through the same rules. In other words, the same rules govern the PTOs.

It’s not rare for conflicts to arise through the course of setting the policies and keeping track of the PTOs and day off. However, things are going to transform a lot through the advent of professional PTO tracker tools. In upcoming five years, the system is expected to be much more synchronized in nature. Through the process, it is expected to boost the productivity level of the employees as well. Naturally, any employer or company owner would be more interested in employing the same.

There are enough reports to suggest that flawed leave policies are among the top reasons behind the affected productivity of the employees as they get disheartened, lose their enthusiasm towards the company. However, high-end PTO tracking software is expected to change the scenario tremendously in forthcoming years. Enabling the HR professionals in obtaining accurate details, these tools are expected to help them in taking better decisions, and thus keeping the enthusiasms level of the employees intact.  

Making things more flexible

A significant drop in functional features is expected at the core level with the help of tracking software.  With the help of synchronized tools, the HR professionals are going to manage everything from any place, at any time, irrespective of device type, upon having data in real-time.

Leave management systems are going to be enriched with end-level automation, thus enabling HR professionals to deliver customized reports anytime. They are going to be able to provide real-time details of the leave application and status of the employee from any point. Naturally, things are going to be much simpler at managerial level. The companies won’t have to keep things upgraded in regular intervals. 

Artificial Intelligence to bring the major transformation

Tools enriched with AI come with the ability to integrate with the biometric tools and thus keep records of the attendance. No more special unit is going to be required for addressing customer queries. The chatbots enriched with AI are expected to handle these things better.

AI-based tools can do manual works like generating payment slips, accessing applications of the attendees, and calculating leave balances much easier. This is certainly going to make the process of granting leaves or allocating way lot simpler. With the advent of analytical tools, greater clarity regarding the patterns of leaves, availability percentage, and scheduling can be simplified.

Enriching the system with advanced cross-platform functionality

Centralized database systems are going to be very common among organizations, irrespective of the size, in forthcoming years. In other words, the systems are expected to be more cloud compliant in nature. Moreover, the systems are expected to be enriched with cross-platform functionality and advanced UI to retrieve data that can be accessed through any commonly used device, be it about laptops, smartphones, slates, etc.

This approach indeed is going to meet well with the contemporary demand for remote working modules. Every HR professional is expected to have a day off app installed in his system. Through the advent of such tools, the managers can respond to each and every query of the employees instantly.  

Bringing HR and Accounting department in concurrence

Yes, assigning leaves is one of the major parts of leave management. But, it is certainly not all about leave management. In upcoming years, the HR and Accounting departments are expected to function much more in concurrence towards achieving the overall goal of the organization.

In short, unique centralized systems that can be accessed by both the HR and accounting departments are very much expected to surface in forthcoming years. These tools are going to help managers in obtaining superior level clarity regarding the performance of the employee and their productivity level. 

Meeting explicit criteria during the unprecedented occasions

In modern times, the level of certainty on any aspect is quite less. It used to be difficult to set policies regarding employee offs during the unprecedented occasions of leaves. Specifically, the policies regarding work from home, emergencies, half and full days, etc., used to get tough. However, through the advent of automated tools, AI, and centralized systems, HR professionals won’t have to be in a lot of confusion.

Rather, it is expected to enable the companies to offer infinite paid leaves for the employees. In addition, they can set further amendments as per the situation demands. Moreover, both the professionals and the employees can expect greater flexibility through these systems. Starting from those making policies to the followers of the same, it is going to be helpful for all.


All said and done; the leave management systems are going to witness immense transformation in coming five years. Both in terms of technologies and functionalities, the system is expected to witness major changes. However, good news is that the transformation is going to occur for the betterment of the system, rather than making things more complicated.

Best part, it is going to be helpful for people to all levels of the sales funnels. The tools are moreover going to help the employees in measuring the leave patterns of the employees better, which means the employers are going to know their employees better. On a concluding note, leave management system is going to be streamlined from all perspectives.