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How to build accountability in workplace?

Accountability in workplace means accomplishing the goals and responsibilities that you said you will do. Furthermore, commitment and employee morale rise as a result of it, which in turn leads to greater productivity.

Accountability fosters job satisfaction, and better work relationships, and helps the team work more effectively together. When your team holds each other accountable in a supportive way, it can help you have better performance discussions.

When the team has a lack of accountability, they have to face poor performance, low team morale, increased employee turnover, and decreased output.

Accountability is not just something to think about during quarterly reviews or when something goes wrong. High-performance teams practice accountability every single day through open communication, sharing commitments, and reporting on their progress.

10 Ways to build accountability in the Workplace

Building accountability at the workplace requires following the following steps:

1. Hold yourself accountable first

As a manager, you are the one who sets the culture for the team. So, you have to first perform in a certain way to make the team follow you and do the same. If you’re self-motivated and can hold yourself accountable, you might be in a good position to improve accountability in your workplace. If you are continuously showing up to meetings late, pushing deadlines, and not owning up to your mistakes, the team will follow the suit.

2. Define goals

The team manager should define the goals properly to the team members. The team can work effectively only when they know the goals of the organization. There are a few tasks and responsibilities that each team member has to perform within the prescribed time. These are assigned by the manager of the team.

3. Hold each other accountable

It’s the responsibility of the manager to hold the team accountable. The manager as well as the team members are accountable for their duties and responsibilities. When it comes to company accountability, communication is key. So, communicate clearly to convey the best you have for the team.

4. Give feedback- often

The manager has to evaluate the progress of the team and give feedback from time to time. Your team’s performance is entirely influenced and transformed by your positive or negative expectations. So keep expecting from your employees and give them feedback regularly to get the best output from them.

5. Consider the thoughts of the team

Most people are not trying to be difficult or make mistakes but it somehow happens. They may not even know that it affects the team negatively. The manager should approach such employees and explain this to them is the best way of improving their personal issues and accountability in the workplace.

6. Be tough with the team often

When the team does something wrong, the manager needs to hold them accountable for that and behave in a tough manner. Some managers ignore this because they don’t want to be in a negative position. But at that particular time, they should only think about the situation that has gone wrong. Ask questions and gaining insight into the employee’s perspective on why a certain result occurred is a good way to do this.

7. Provide opportunities for improvement

The manager should always provide opportunities for improvement to the employees. It is important that you make it clear to your employees that you have a genuine interest in supporting their professional and personal development. Knowing that you are investing time in your employee’s success is going to motivate them to continue learning and growing. They become a valuable part of the company. 

8. The whole system matters

The whole system here means that every single person in the workplace matters for accountability. The manager should focus on every individual player, such as:

  • The poor performer
  • Someone who often fails to follow through
  • The one who just isn’t pulling their weight

So, they all are equally important to the team, and they all should be considered while managing the team.

9. Recognize and celebrate progress

The manager should always take time to recognize the achievements of the team. These achievements should be celebrated in the workplace. It keeps the team motivated and they keep performing their best toward their goals, which benefits the business. It is just a way of appreciating the efforts of the team and keeping their spirits high.

10. Emotional Intelligence is required

Emotional intelligence helps you deal with people effectively. Some people don’t realize how their behavior impacts others. As a manager, it is your job to be kind, find the root cause of the problem, and establish a mutual way forward. Through your conversation, concentrate on maintaining employees’ self-esteem by showing concern for the individual as well as for the company’s needs. Always seek to understand the intentions behind certain actions, and why those actions were taken or tasks were performed.