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Remote Employees Onboarding: Practical Tips!

A stylized illustration of two colleagues engaging in a positive interaction. One person, holding documents, is shaking hands with another who is emerging from a large computer screen.

Remote work has brought a slew of benefits. There is greater productivity and lower absenteeism. People enjoy the new work-life balance. As a result, remote working has become prevalent over the last few years, especially after the pandemic. However, remote workers have needs too. They have to be handled differently from your regular office workers. This change is applicable for their onboarding too. They need access to the right resources and technology to ingratiate themselves fully. There’s no scope for them to get to know their managers or colleagues. If the onboarding process is sub-par, the bridge becomes more pronounced. A poor onboarding process will fend off the hardworking resources. Therefore, refining your remote onboarding process is imperative, significantly since the remote workforce is increasing in numbers. A robust onboarding process will ease the transition of joining a new company. Keep in mind that employees are more likely to seek another job if they’re unhappy. So, it’s best to start on the right foot. Save time, resources, and money. Here are some practical tips for remote employees onboarding.

1. Welcome Package is Always a Plus

Send a welcome package to your recruits. You can also consider hosting a virtual lunch on their first day. Ask the team to send welcome messages or videos to the new employee. The new members will assimilate more easily!

2. Recreate the Office Experience Virtually

Think of all the personal touches your prior employees adored. What makes the office setting more lively? What brings them back to life? Set up meet-and-greets with the other teammates. They’ll feel more at ease. You can also assign a peer mentor from the first day.

3. Focus on the Onboarding Basics

Every action counts. Do timely follow-ups and be there to answer any questions. Set defined goals and expectations. Invest in technology that allows an immersive work experience.

Give the recruits to experience the company culture in a dynamic platform. They don’t have to be in the office to know their team better!

4. Help the New Recruits Nurture Connections

Go beyond the idea of onboarding. It’s not a matter of setting things up for more. Instead, the onboarding process is how you integrate a new member into your team.

The onboarding program should allow your new hires to embrace your work culture. Allow them to nurture relationships with all the stakeholders. Introduce them from the get-go.

In the digital world, it’s easy to build connections. You simply need to create the opening for them. Then, encourage new hires to communicate with their colleagues and managers. This process benefits all parties.

5. Say Yes to Virtual Lunches

For new hires, you can organize a virtual lunch with their team. You can consider sending them a coupon or gift card. They can utilize that to get their meal.

Virtual lunches allow you to get to know your recruits outside of their resume. What are they like outside of the office setting? Then, play silly games to break the ice!

6. Don’t Be Shy

It’s not a crime to have fun. To make the recruits feel at ease, you can host live and interactive games virtually. You can play games, exchange stories, and more.

The first three months are crucial for a recruit. You need to be strategic during this time. How can you retain them? How will you ensure they stick by your side through good times and bad?

7. Introduce Them to Key Stakeholders

Hiring managers have a tricky job. First, they need to ensure the recruits are acquainted with the key stakeholders. Who will they primarily work with? Why is this person relevant and vital? You need to provide a symbiosis between this team.

8. Create Introduction Videos

Videos can be an enjoyable part of the onboarding process. Ask your existing employees to create introduction videos. They can introduce themselves and share their experience.

Once the new colleagues find people with similar likes and dislikes, they’ll feel more at ease. Employees like hearing about life outside of work. People enjoy relatability. It gives them the scope to create personal connections.

9. Assign an Engaging Culture Mentor

The new hire should have a team of mentors. A cultural mentor is a prerequisite. They will help the new members navigate the spoken and unspoken rules of the organization.

Shifting to a new company is an intimidating process. There are so many myths and stories associated with them. A mentor can help them adjust to the norms and demystify the overblown ones.

10. Embrace the Buddy System

Buddies are a lifesaver. You can assign buddies to help the recruits navigate the company. In addition, they can teach them about their roles and help them network with their new team.

Host a virtual lunch. Assign happy hours for communication. Share the inside jokes to break the ice. All of this will give the recruits a scoop on their new peers.

11. Invest in Smart Human Capital Management

Innovative human capital management humanizes the onboarding process. Employees want to engage with the new culture when it comes to remote working models. They need to connect with their teams and feel supported.

An in-person experience is crucial for virtual onboardings. Send them a token of appreciation on the first day. Even coffee and muffin will do. Most importantly, make sure the remote workers have all the needed equipment.

Office employees have a desk, chair, and computer. At the very least, they should have access to an office laptop. Remote workers may not have access to all of this. So, consider providing them with the standard equipment.

12. Cater to Every Learning Styles

People learn in different ways. Some people like audio-visuals. Others want reading and writing. Some enjoy just doing things to pick things up. So you need to incorporate a little of everything.

Onboarding experiences can be done online or in person. Whatever it is, it should cater to all learning types. Employees should feel confident. It’s your job to empower them to feel that way.

Final Thoughts: Focus on Building a Community

You need to focus on building community. Workplaces should foster human connections. So follow these tips to ingratiate your new hires fully!