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The 5 Stages of Team Development

Goal achievement and teamwork business concept, career growth and cooperation for development of project, idea vector flat cartoon illustration. Ladder of success and climbing people, company staff

The 5 Stages of Team Development, each one represents a step along the team-building ladder. It shows how the team members progress from being strangers to each other into a high-performing team that works towards a common goal.

Bruce Tuckman was an American Psychological Researcher who published a theory known as ‘Tuckman’s Stages of Group development’ in 1965. In this theory, he explained how healthy teams bind over time. Tuckman’s model identifies the five stages through which the team development progress: forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning.

Tuckman’s stages are centered around his research on team development. Developing high-performance teams involves learning how to work together efficiently and effectively. Research has demonstrated that teams go through distinct stages during development. Bruce Tuckman identified a five-stage process for achieving high-performance teams. Here are each of those stages, the challenges that arise, and how leaders can guide their team onto the next phase of team development and how taking a day off will contribute to that:

1. Forming Stage

Forming is the first stage of the 5 Stages of Team Development . It requires different people with different expertise. At this stage, the team members don’t know much about each other. The forming stage is the period of orientation when everyone is getting to know each other and becoming familiar. Forming stage is where the team discuss things like: team goals, individual goals, ground rules and strategy. The team should share its skills, backgrounds and interests.

Team needs: Team mission and vision, establish objectives and tasks, identify roles and responsibilities of team members.

Leadership needsProvide project guide and instructions, provide structure and task direction, allow for get-acquainted time, active involvement.

2. Storming Stage: 

This stage is the most crucial stage of team development. It’s inevitable, there’s going to be conflict. The clash arises between the team members when they all have their own individual personalities and work styles. At this stage, they come to know about the flaws of the team members. So they become frustrated with each other and may argue. The performance may decrease at this stage because the energy is spent on unproductive activities. It is the most difficult and critical stage to pass through. In order to get bottlenecked in the storming stage, the team has to work together and play to each otters strength to overcome obstacles and stay on pace.

Team needs:  Effective listening, conflict resolution, inter and intra personal relationships, clarify and understanding team’s purpose.

Leadership needs:  Acknowledge conflict and suggest consensus amongst team members, offer support and praise, the concept of shared leadership emerges.

3. Norming Stage:

The norming stage occurs when the team members become more comfortable working together. Team performance increases at this stage as the team members start focusing on team goals and being cooperative with each other. The team starts to notice and appreciate each other’s strengths and the team starts to settle into a groove. Everyone is talking together, helping to solve problems, and remembering to use nonverbal cues such as eye contact and facial expressions. The whole focus and energy of the team members is on the tasks. They have freedom to express and contribute in the activities.

Team needs:  Offer ideas and suggestions, utilize all resources to support team effort, develop a decision-making process, problem-solving is shared.

Leadership needs:  Give feedback and support team decisions, promote team interactions, ask for a contribution from all team members.

4. Performing Stage: 

High performance is the name of the game. At this stage, the team is more organized, mature, and well functioning. The consensus and cooperation are well established at the performing stage. The team is now comfortable working together, has strong relationships built, and streamlined their processes. The team reaches peak productivity and quickly runs towards the end goal. True interdependence is the norm of this stage of team development. The team needs to be flexible as the team members adapt to meet the needs of the other team members.

Team needs:  Maintain team flexibility, measure knowledge performance, move in the collaborative direction, provide information and results.

Leadership needs:  Observing, acquiring, and fulfilling team needs, offering positive reinforcement and support, collaborative efforts amongst team members.

5. Adjourning Stage: 

This is the final stage of team development from the 5 Stages of Team Development. This stage occurs when the team has completed the project and the team members now have to move on to other endeavors. While employees generally feel accomplished at the end of a mission, they may also feel disappointed that the experience is over- especially if they made close relationships with the team members. When they wrap up the project as whole and complete the final tasks and documentation. They are also debriefed and discuss what went well and what could be improved on the projects in the future.

Team needs:  Evaluate the efforts of the team, tie up loose ends and tasks, recognize and reward team efforts.

 Leadership needs:  Help the team develop options for termination, reflection and carry forth collaborative learning to next opportunity.