4. Employee Profile
From the employees’ list, you can go to any employee’s profile by clicking on their… Weiterlesen »4. Employee Profile
From the employees’ list, you can go to any employee’s profile by clicking on their… Weiterlesen »4. Employee Profile
You can import employees using an excel sheet instead of adding them one by one,… Weiterlesen »2.2. Import Employees
The first way to add employees is to add them individually one by one, click… Weiterlesen »2.1. Add Employees
Here you can set the start of the yearly cycle of the employees’ balance, it… Weiterlesen »1.2.5. Reset Balance
From the “Calendar options” you can control what employees can view in their dashboard calendar… Weiterlesen »1.2.4. Calendar Options
If you have employees in different countries or locations, you can use the multi-locations feature… Weiterlesen »1.2.3. Locations and Holidays
How to Customize Leave Types in a Policy To adjust the leave types in any… Weiterlesen » Leave Type Settings
1. Create a New Leave Type As an administrator, you can customize the leave types… Weiterlesen »1.2.1. Leave Types
For varying groups of employees with different leave policies, you can establish leave policies to… Weiterlesen »1.2.2. Leave Policies
Free trial You can get a One Month free trial for the pro version as… Weiterlesen »9.. Pro Version Subscription & Billing