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Day Off

Pros and Cons of Using a Leave Tracking Software

An image of three employee in pinky background and they seem confused or having some questions

Managers are often struggling with processing employee leave, individual leave details, and ensuring compliance with company guidelines. Leave requests must be processed regularly, and that procession procedure comprises checking leave history of the employee as well as the leaves available to them. In this case leave tracking software is the solution.

A solid leave management system helps both parties in the equation. By enabling proper planning of employee leaves well in advance, it maintains productivity of the company. Employees can plan their leaves keeping business’ personnel requirements in mind.

A good company will never ignore the benefits of an effective leave policy. Not only does it contribute to employee satisfaction, but it also plays an important role in the success of any company. However, there’s no universal formula proven to be effective for everyone. Companies try to combine multiple initiatives in an attempt to find the one that strikes the chord with their employee base.

Although leave management seems simple, there are tons of complicated factors in play here. Tracking employee leave manually is time consuming and cumbersome. It can also result in an increasing number of errors in the calculations. This is why many companies have started integrating leave tracking software into their operations to streamline and automate the process.

By using leave tracking software, the HR can track the presence of employees spread across different locations, shifts, and even time zones. Benefits of leave tracking software are multifarious, but they also come with a handful of cons to be mindful of.

Pros of Using a Leave Tracking Software

Ease of use

Leave tracking software greatly simplify the burden of the administration. A simple stable internet connection is all an HR manager needs to have an overview of who’s working and who’s not from any corner of the world. No more spreadsheets filled with numbers and data!

Moreover, the best of the leave tracking software are intuitive, which means they will let the management know if there are chances of under-staffing, plausible errors, and deficiency in team management.

Simple leave policies

Based on the organization’s leave policies, absenteeism policies are configured. Everything is programmed step by step, making it much easier for HR managers to work.

Clearance to leave

A super important feature for both managers and employees, authorization to leave lets executives know how many employees are available at any given time. It helps them accept or deny new applications. Some services are cloud-based, so employees can send in leave requests from the site or at home. Managers possess access to the iPad, phone, and other devices through which they can get into the software any time.

With everything consolidated into a single platform, managers get a clear picture of the various vacation types they have set as well as vacation pay, vacation days consumed, vacation credits each month, and more.


Automated leave tracking software eliminates errors and simplest complex vacation policies so companies can apply them easily and accurately. Additionally, a comprehensive log of staff progress helps HR managers make better plans. Ultimately, the top management is able to deliberate duties and projects better.


Transparency is a key element of any workplace. All information regarding leave policies, payment plans, vacation and PTO guidelines, and more are mentioned on the company-wide software, making the holiday system pleasantly transparent. Every member of the company can check their vacation history and balance. Managers or supervisors share this information so employees are always in the knowing about the rejection/approval of their vacation requests.

Precise information

With a leave tracking software, employees can access accurate information about vacation days, both available and taken, and plan according to that. Most employees like to plan their vacation days well in advance or at the start of the year so having a calendar that shows PTO or company holidays can be of great help. The process is shortened into a single-step operation which doesn’t require manual browsing of vacation logs.

Many companies also integrate their online leave tracking software with payroll software to create precise payrolls based on various vacation types. Teams can be formed on these software too.

Cons of Using a Leave Tracking Software

Security issues

If a system is easy to breach, it jeopardizes the safety and productivity of the entire company. Systems have to be designed in such a way that they can ward off unauthorized access requests and inadvertent disclosure.


Price is one major concern here. Many companies don’t wish to invest in leave tracking software whereas some just don’t have the budget for it. This is a big issue for entrepreneurs and small businesses. Every software comes with maintenance costs. Software as a Service or SaaS systems are easier to organize from a financial point of view as it’s simpler to manage a cloud-based platform.

Costs become an important factor in picking the perfect leave tracking software. Companies can avoid this by simply getting a free leave tracking software. In some cases, however, free versions of applications are limited in feature. And once the trial period is over, you are left wanting for more. Good ones are generally pricier.

Day Off is an exception. Our free version has enough features for a small to medium company to go by without spending. You can surely invest in a premium version to get the whole experience, but the free version is, well, free!


As businesses grow, they usually expand and break the shell of their status quo. For instance, they start with a basic leave tracking software to handle a limited number of employees. The system should be able to accommodate them as they evolve.


Before making the decision, it’s always wise to analyze the pros and cons of leave tracking software. For the most part, the pros outweigh the cons by a huge margin. It saves time and lets managers focus on more crucial tasks.