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Day Off

Ratschläge und Antworten vom Day Off Team

4.2. Requests

In the requests tab, as an admin, you can find the pending and past requests of the employee.

Ausstehende Anfragen

1. In this section, you can find the pending requests of the employee
2. Click “View details” to view a pending request details


1. In this section, you can find the requests history of the employee
2. Click “View details” to view a past request details
3. As an admin, you can edit or delete approved requests

Edit Past Requests

1. Click the corresponding pencil icon to the required request
2. You will be directed to the “Submit leave request” page
3. Enter the new request information (the leave type, start and end date if the request)
4. Click “Submit a request”

Delete past Requests

1. Click the corresponding delete icon to the required request
2. A confirmation popup will show to confirm the deletion
3. Click “Delete”, then the used balance will be added back to the employee’s balance

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