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Day Off

Balance Reset

Balance Reset offers flexibility in managing leave balances by allowing admins to choose a specific month for resetting balances or to reset them based on employees' anniversaries.

Fixed Date

You can easily choose a specific month for your employees’ balances to reset. For instance, if you select January, all employees’ balances will reset on January 1st. This reset marks the beginning of a new working year and accrual cycle.

Anniversary Date

For employees whose balances reset based on their joining date, you can enable this feature in the balance reset section. This allows each employee’s balance and working year to reset on their anniversary. Just input the joining date for each employee, and their balance will automatically reset according to that specific date, ensuring personalized and precise tracking of their PTO.

Both Options

You have the flexibility to use both options simultaneously, allowing you to set some employees’ balances to reset on a fixed date, such as January 1st, while others reset based on their individual joining dates. This tailored approach ensures your organization’s needs are precisely met, providing a customized and efficient balance reset schedule for all employees.

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