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Employee Turnover: Main 12 Reasons for It

An illustration of a stressed and exhausted person sitting at a desk with their head down on a laptop. The person appears overwhelmed, with red zigzag lines above their head indicating stress or frustration.

“Oh, I hate my job!” I bet you’ve seen a lot of people say that but ever heard your employees saying that? No, I believe. You never know why your employees are leaving because they never share their true problems through a resignation letter. What if something about your company needs to be figured out and solved? If not, it’s going to cost you a lot. We analyzed the experiences of a lot of employees to bring out these top causes of employee turnover.

1. Clash with the boss                             

Different people have different mindsets and thus different opinions. It can either cause clash or development depending on how it’s handled. “From day one, I felt like my boss hates me because he gives me so much more pressure than others. I work so hard, but I can never satisfy him. I’m working for the little payment I get, but this getting unbearable; I think I’ll leave my job and look for another, “said my co-worker two days before he left the job. 

  • Personal harassment, 
  • Toxicity
  • Nepotism, 
  • Lack of motivation, 
  • Lack of mutual understanding, 
  • Immorality 

Harms the relationship with the boss.

2. Complications with colleagues

The percentage of leaving the job cause of a co-worker is low but not negligible as people usually don’t leave their job cause of it. We found a few cases like this.” My co-worker Jane was jealous of me. Continuously tried to sabotage me, my work, and if it went on, then I would’ve gotten into big trouble, which could hamper my career, so I’ll just leave the job.” Says one of the people we interviewed. When the workers are toxic, it’s hard to give their best as the situation gets uncomfortable and unprofessional for working. 

  • Harassing, taunting
  • Jealousy
  • Lack of respect
  • Unfair behavior
  • Lack of understanding, communication

Can cause conflict among employees.

3. Job isn’t meeting the expectation

All a new employee knows about an organization is what’s written in the prospectus, website, circular, and the rest they realize after getting in. Sometimes the difference between expectation and reality is so big that they end up quitting the job.” The job description said I’ll teach only high-school students, but after I got in, I also had to take classes for the primary students, and they didn’t pay me as much as they promised.

So I think I’ll change the job if this doesn’t change!” says a woman we talked with. Some might lose interest in their job because they are not getting to learn what they thought they would learn. For example, I quit working for an organization because I expected to gather some good experience and knowledge, but I ended up being used by them; the morality, the style of working, and the connection they had didn’t worth enough to waste my time on.

4. Relevant job position

Everyone has self-respect, and they want to establish that in their work field by working with a group of people that understands their ability and skills. A job where you can’t put your expertise into the work can make you lose interest faster than light. Because people gain their mastery by putting a lot of effort and looking for a field that can make it all worth it. If not, they focus on other places where they can flourish.

5. Grass is greener on the other side

One just can’t get into a job and boom! He/she is the most successful person in their field. The good thing takes time. It takes time and effort to get a hold of your responsibility, figure out the tips and tricks, connect with people, and get comfortable and trustable with your colleague’s boss. Sometimes one lacks patience and starts thinking about other jobs. 

6. Provocation

Employees from other industries, family members, friends, or it could be a stranger whose opinion on your work can make you lose all the hope. “This job of yours has no future actually, said my aunt once, and I started to doubt my decision. I didn’t leave my job, but at every inconvenience in my work, I remember her words, and it makes me feel helpless.” Said, my friend. Employees may be lured to other options and thus end up leaving the job.

7. Office Culture

 “It was compulsory to follow the dress code, and it violated my morality and culture, so I had no choice but to leave,” stated a girl we contacted. Office Rules and regulations can cause trouble for employees if they are meaningless and not flexible. If a mother cannot take maternity leave, she’ll leave the job. 

8. Insufficient salary

Money is what our life depends on mostly. Call it greed or necessity, people will always be attracted to a higher salary, and they continuously fight for it. There is no chance one will stay if they’re paid high for their work elsewhere.

9. It wasn’t a permanent job

There is hardly someone who got into a job and stayed in it forever. Employees get into a company with various goals. Those who start to gain experience, connection, and recognition will never stay forever there, and it’s very normal. 

10. To test one’s limit

We develop ourselves by putting ourselves into challenging situations. Young, ambitious employees will look for more energizing work to thrive in their careers. And for this, they might resign from one job to get into another.

11. Transportation

The home-to-office passage is important if one’s not working from home. The reasons are,

  • Moving out
  • High transportation cost
  • Time-consuming transportation
  • Change of office location

Many people will only leave their beloved job because it got difficult to get into the office in time.

12. Other personal reasons

Not feeling encouraged, job hampering personal work like study and exam, family problems, not like the work environment, accident, not feeling suitable enough for the job, not understanding the work and continuously failing, selfish work environment, seeing others leaving a job can cause one to send the resignation letter. 

Losing two or three employees per month for a big company isn’t a big deal, but when a regular thing becomes, there might be something wrong with the system. Every owner starts off their business with a goal. They expect their employees to support by dedicating their time and effort. Still, it can get a bit chaotic if there is a sudden loss of workers because filling up their position to cover up the duties causes hassle; also, it can leave a bad impression on that company. 

Final Thoughts

Hope this article gave you an idea about what employees go through when they resign. The key to solving this issue is getting regular feedback from employees about their work and mental state and enabling a comfortable, understanding, dynamic work environment by keeping up with workers.