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Employees’ Motivation: 10 Ways to Influence it 

Employees’ motivation is the enthusiasm that an employee brings to the organization on the daily basis. The manager has to find ways to motivate their employees. The workplace plays a very significant role in the motivation of employees. The workplace environment needs to be positive to get the best results from the employees.

When the employees are not motivated, the organization experience reduced productivity, lower levels of output, and fall short of reaching company goals. Whereas highly motivated employees make the organization experience high productivity, and better output, which helps to reach company goals.

Ways to influence employee’s motivation

The following are the ways that can be used for employee motivation:

Schedule one-to-one time:

The art of scheduling one on one meetings with the employees is a great motivational tool. It helps the manager to know the employees personally and build relationships with them. The manager gets time to hear the suggestions, ideas, problems, and performance issues of the employees themselves. The main element to discuss with your employees is the goals and expectations that the organization has for them.

Give purpose to employees:

Make employees understand their purpose and the purpose of the business. So that they can visualize it in the bigger picture and analyze how they get fit into it. They need to understand what role they play in the organization and how can they perform their best. By knowing the purpose, the employees get inspired to perform their best. They analyze how they can achieve the purposes of the organization.

Discover their motivation:

Every employee has their own interests, goals, and aspirations. As a manager, it is your responsibility to find out what motivates them the most. To motivate them the right way, you need to show interest in the employee’s jobs and aspirations. For this, you have to take time and talk to the employees personally and know what their motivations are. By keeping these little things in mind, you motivate and earn the trust of your employees.

Be transparent:

Keep the employees included in the big decisions of the organization. By giving them knowledge and access to the important decisions made by the organization. Such as new projects, big announcements, etc. They should be committed to the direction that the company takes. Transparency is a must for a successful business. It connects the employees with the organization and encourages them to achieve their goals.

Praise them often:

Praising and complementing the employees for the good quality of work done. It can be a great motivation for the employees. The employees always love to be recognized for their work. employees who receive praise and appreciation on a regular basis are highly motivated and satisfied with their jobs. The employees put more effort into the work when they are praised for their previous projects. Praising the employees often keeps them motivated and focused on their goals.

Follow recognition practices:

Employee motivation gets positively influenced by recognition activities. When the employees get recognized and rewarded for their work, they show more amount of interest in fulfilling the organizational goals. By celebrating every small achievement of the employees, they never feel unrecognized for their work. It motivates them to put more effort into the future to achieve their goals.

Help them in developing new skills:

As a manager, you need to find out where employees lack performance and what skills can help them achieve their goals. Help them develop those goals by providing opportunities such as training and personal sessions. Enhancement of their skills will help them stay motivated at work. When the employees have the skills, they feel confident to try new challenges and perform their best for the organization.

Set weekly goals:

By setting weekly goals for the employees, it becomes easy to keep the report of the work done by employees. The manager keeps a check on the work and evaluates the performance on the weekly basis. It also helps to keep the employees in touch with the manager and the team via weekly goals. These are the small work goals that positively impact the organization’s long-run goals.

Avoid Micromanagement:

Always avoid micromanaging your employees. It makes them lose interest in the job and creates interruptions in their work. The employees like to have space and time of their own at the workplace. Managers should always avoid such activities which make a disturbance in the work. Micromanagement makes the work environment stressful and pressured, which is not good for the employee. It demotivates them.

Trust your employees:

Always trust your employees. It gives them great motivation. Delegate often and give your employees the responsibility of delivering challenging work. Don’t underestimate the potential and ability of the employees to use their brains. Give them opportunities to perform and prove their capabilities. Believe in the capabilities of your employees and let them perform their best on their own.